- Tour Title: The Footsteps of Ap. Paul
- Itinerary:Kavala Thessaloniki Pella Vergina Katerini Kalambaka Delphi Athens Corinth
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Several years ago, while I and my wife Effie stepped out of the darkness of depression, a very tough experience for us as well as our three children, we decided to help our fellow human beings who went through the same darkness and despair as we did. We soon realized that there were many souls battling the same demons, and within a short period of time we began gathering around us many people who needed our help.
Together with my brother Taki and his wife Jillian, we had a vision from God which awakened a deep desire within us: to start a home congregation in order to build a local church living according to God's will. The vision began to take shape and was very successful, because it was God who had inspired it and was guiding us. Soon our house was filled with people seeking the presence of God, seeking his touch in their lives.
We decided early on, that what we wanted was to build a Family-Church and not just another congregation where people would come only to hear sermons while living through religious contexts and habits.
We were in our first room, a small and rather humble room full of people longing for God's word. Over the next eight years God taught us and led us to what should finally be built. We made it through these early years with much prayer and fasting. There were many difficulties and agonies in our daily lives and we often wondered why was God allowing all these obstacles in our way, because we knew, beyond any doubt, that it was he who showed us the way and led us into this ministry.
But it seems that the Lord had plans that neiher our minds nor our hearts could understand. People usually want immediate results quickly and effortlessly, without having to pay the cost of progress. Over the next few years we started seeing God moving. The Lord, through many prophecies and signs, began to unravel his wonderful plan. We started witnessing an increase in numbers as well as spirituality. Many new zealous souls, eager to learn, were being added to our own every week. Our vision had now reached a new level. We saw, in spirit, that God wanted us to build a Family-Church with emphasis on venerating his name and teaching his Word.
A few years later we moved to a new building. The presence of the Holy Spirit was truly sensational, its gifts were active among us with increased intensity. We gradually formed strong foundations and a deeper understanding of how one should build the Lord's House. Everyone and everything was functioning through faith, with goodwill, vision and thirst for service.
So our church, through the hardships of our times, but with faith in a bright future, moved again to a new and magnificent building. We are now developing the ministry of supporting people with needs in food and clothing, among others. The Lord is moving among us and the Holy Spirit has spoken for days of great blessings for us and our country. We want to be the spearhead of the Lord and live our own miracles, but also to be the miracle for others around us.
Our vision includes you, who may be interested in something alive, true and full of hope. We are one Family-Church for all people, regardless of social group, economic status or origin.
Christ is coming soon and we have no time to lose. The mission has been given to us, he will also give us the strength to see it through. We are at his disposal.